
The Management of Veterinary Nurse-Led Clinics

Why you will benefit from this course

This course will enable you to create a clear strategy for planning, implementing, developing and promoting nurse-led clinics within practice.

Informed consent in veterinary practice
Work out a strategy for provision of your nurse clinics service

What will you learn?

You will learn about the many aspects of planning, setup, delivery and ongoing management of nurse clinics, the professional responsibilities of veterinary nurses, development of clinic protocols, and using a team-based approach to achieve the best service you can.

View the key topics below for more information on the broad range of topics addressed within the course.

Learning outcomes

Successful completion of this course will enable learners to:

  • Appreciate the role of the veterinary nurse in the provision of nurse-led clinics, develop ideas for expansion, understand limitations and monitor progress
  • Understand the need for clinical protocols, and how to develop these based upon the facilities within practice
  • Devise a proposal for the development, marketing and monitoring of nurse-led clinics in own practice
ONCORE laptop course

Key topic areas

  • Exploring opportunities

    Opportunities for a nurse clinics service within your practice

  • Choosing your clinics

    Deciding on the clinics which will be most applicable within your practice

  • Setup and structure of clinics

    Making decisions – from consulting room space to clinical protocols

  • Professional responsibilities

    Utilising nurses effectively within the Code, and professional communication

  • Equipment

    Sourcing equipment for your clinics – from clinical items to client handouts

  • Monitoring clinics

    Monitoring clinic progress – a vital part of developing the service

  • Fee structure

    Why we should charge for clinics, and development of a fee structure

  • Marketing

    Marketing and promotion of the clinics service

  • Teamwork

    The power of teamwork in creating a successful and rewarding service

  • Practical outcomes

    Completing your practice plan and proposal for clinics

Jill Macdonald - founder of ONCORE

Your Tutor

Jill Macdonald

DipAVN (surg) RVN FHEA

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes! Once you have purchased the course, you will be able to get stuck into the course as soon as you wish.

You will have 12 months access to the course, so you will have plenty of time to complete it.

Yes. Our courses offer interim quizzes to check your knowledge, and a final test to enable you to be awarded your certificate of completion.

Some courses also offer additional assessed coursework which is assessed by your tutor, and details of this will be included in the course description.

Yes – we provide a selection of resources on each course that you can download and take away.

No, we don’t think so. The learning platform we use offers straightforward course structure and access, so you are led from one section to the next and can see where you are up to.

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